Our programs
Each Zone in CADS Alberta runs its program separately. There are currently ten zones in Alberta, and a series of affiliates, with growth for 2025-2026 anticipated. Our programs are volunteer based, and we thank each of our zone programs for the amazing efforts that go into making out participant experiences exceptional!
Keep in mind that most communications are handled by volunteers and it might take a while for them to get back to you.
Contact: Carol Macrae – Email: cmacrae503@gmail.com, Phone: 780-888-3862
Venue: Valley Ski Hill
Contact: Program Coordinator
Email: info@cadscalgary.ca
Phone: 403-286-8050 (call or text)
Venue: Winsport
Contact: Chris Holoboff – Email: chris.holoboff@gmail.com, Phone: 780-207-1152
Venue: Kinosoo Ridge
Contact: Brad Murray – Email: bdmur@yahoo.com, Phone: 403-583-0124
Venue: Pass Powderkeg
Contact: Sharon Veeneman – Email: coordinator@cadsedmonton.ca, Phone: 780-721-7071
Venue: Rabbit Hill
Contact: Mike Trace – Email: mtrace@telusplanet.net, Phone: 780-882-9996
Venue: Nite Hawk
Contact: Darryl Medoruma – Email: cads@medoruma.ca, Phone: 403-308-0841
Venue: Castle Mountain
Contact: Kacey Verrall – Email: hiddenvalley@gov.ab.ca, Phone: 403-893-3961
Venue: Ski Hidden Valley
Contact: Lisa Herder – Email: cadsreddeer@gmail.com, Phone: 403-887-5523
Venue: Canyon Ski Resort
Contact: Brad Giroux (President) – Email: tawatinawvalleycads@gmail.com, Phone: 780-327-5386
Venue: Tawatinaw
Contact: Ozzie Sawicki – Email: programdirector@cadsalberta.ca, Phone: 403-651-4000
Venue: CADS Alberta represents comparison for the provincial adaptive alpine and snowboard programs. Individual Zones and affiliates can and do run competition programs, which are overseen through CADS Alberta.